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Pro & con list

Patterns in Landscape                              Hexagons                                Algae/nutrient cycle

How to solve the cons?

- Biodiversity

- Diversity in interactions and 


- Naturally occuring

- Increase yield per plant because of

  lower competition

- Highly original

- Less disease/pest spread

- Creative/flexible

- Regionaly adaptable





1. Possible yield reduction per hectare

2. Practicality

3. Incomporating design: time consuming

4. Risk of being time consuming  for

     making a design






1. Select pattern with high cover

     Make productive 'empty' space

     Use local crops

2. Use new technologies/machinery

     Use crops that have a simila harvest


3. Start by implementing in wastelands

4. Concentrate on one pattern as a case


     Use existing knowledge/models

     Ask experts on pattern to help select

     a pattern

- Occupies the space efficienctly

- High number on interaction

- Biodiversity

- Fullfilling the Malézieux 2010 criteria

- Allows crop rotation

- Allows the formation of stable community








1. Practicality

2. Topography issue

3. Incorporating design: time consuming

4. Mathematical analysis needed

5. Influence of infrastructure in design (road, space for harvesting machinery,...)





1. Use new technologies/machinery

     Create a functional infrastructure

     between patches (enough space for

     machine to turn, roads, etc.)

2. Use experts

     Include a clear management plan

3. Start with wastelands

4. Use experts and existing knowledge

     Adapt design based on analysis

5. Minimize infrastructure needed

     Take infrastructure into account in


     Make infrastructure part of the design

     and multi-functional

- Reduce the external nutrient input

- Reduce eutrophication of surface water

- Reduce nutrient loss

- Possibility of controlling growth

   conditions of algae










1. Require water availability

2. Size of tanks for algae

3. Frequency of harvesting

4. Still need nutrient input

5. Processsing of algae required






1. Apply in place where water is not


     Think of a way to adapt it to dry region:

        -grow algae in irrigation water

2. Make one large algae production

     "farm" for a number of farms

     Harvest algae regularly


                            Find optimum


3. Larger tanks

4. Use organic/sustainable fertilizers

     Don't use excess fertlizer

5. Use existing algae harvesting


     Use current knowledge on algae growth

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