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For each of the defined causes of the nutrient cycle problem, we looked for solutions in nature at different levels of organisation:


Anchor 4

Input excess

  • Storage in minerals and precipitates.
  • Buffering compounds like carbon in the ocean.

Soil erosion

  • Lower exposure by vegetation cover.  
  • Formation of surfaces like desert pavement to prevent further erosion [1]
  • Accelerated soil erosion only occurs when cover levels are altered outside the range of natural variability. [2]
  • Mangroves absorb energy from the waves: a natural breakwater to prevent erosion of the coastline. [3]
  • Retain water in the plot: Building up organic soil matter which holds moisture [4]
  • Agroforestry/polycropping: root systems at different depths hold soil down [4]

Loss of nutrients (by erosion, runoff, harvest, evaporation)

  • Tree and debris dams retain organic carbon within an ecosystem giving coarse particles time to break down [5]
  • Wetlands store carbon faster than terrestrial systems, because of slower decomposition rates under anaerobic conditions and cooler temperatures [6]
  • Efficient irrigation and nutrient application systems: species are adapted to amount of water and nutrients available










Surface water pollution

  • Mangroves extract salt from water via transpiration and filtering through membranes. Also, storage in old leaves that are to be expelled. [7,8]
  • Hedgerows retain nutrients from surface runoff to a great extent [9]
  • Lake ecosystem: A higher input of nutrients causes an increase in algae and a trophic cascade. By adding piscivores (at the top of the cascade) biomanipulation can be carried out to decrease the algae. Zooplankton sinks off to the bottom removing the nutrients out of the system [10, 11].
  • The naturally or artificially vegetated water catchments that retain natural biodiversity in order to obtain pure water are examples of the systems to be mimicked. Tree lots, wind breaks and aquatic vegetation fringing watercourses are all mimics of woodland, swamp, marsh or stream fringing plant communities which may be effective in stripping excess nutrients from drainage lines, streams and waterbodies [12].


Pest control

  • Herbivorous insects in hedgerows in Bavaria help protect nearby wheat fields from aphids by attracting generalist predators that feed on them as well as the aphids [13]
  • Nature reacts to reduced biodiversity or the availability of poorly exploited resources: the system is then open to invasion. Nature sees a monoculture as a species poor environment resulting from an extinction period and tries to increase biodiversity again. It is therefore the question how much biodiversity is enough to prevent invasions, pests and diseases. Manipulation by the farmer will always be necessary. [14,15]


Anchor 5


  • Biodiversity in (agro)ecosystems provide many ecosystem services, like nutrient recycling [11]

    • Herbivores change soil microclimate and plant community, resulting in altered nutrient cycling [7]

  • Food webs have important effects on nutrient recycling, controlling phytoplankton communities [17]

    Fish introduction in lake leads to decreased P limitation of phytoplankton: direct recycling of nutrients and effects on nutrient recycling by zooplankton



  • Salamanders are sink of nutrients and are agents in ecosystem nutrient cycling and very efficient in nutrient conversion [4]


Soil erosion and leaching

  • Soil biota (e.g. mycorrhiza) affects soil structure and processes [11]

    • Improve decomposition of organic residue, increase nutrient availability, fix nitrogen, enhance nutrient use efficiency,

      entangle particles

  • Plant roots and fungi change soil structure and processes [8][14]

    • Influencing microbial activity, release of mycelium products from decomposing hyphae, binding particles, alter water regime

  • Fauna change soil properties, e.g. dung beetles, earthworms and termites [9][10][12]

    • Mixing organic residue into the soil, aeration, drainag


Excess fertilizer

  • Mycorrhiza fungi (MF) increase plant growth [3][13]

    • Increased decomposition and mineralization of litter

    • Release of nutrients from detrital matter, mainly P for arbuscular MF, mainly N for ecto- and ericoid MF

Anchor 6



  • Meta-populations theory [6].

    • Separate populations have interactions with nearby populations, increasing survival of the species

  • Sensitivity of the distribution and abundance of male cervids to P limitation is predicted to be a function of feeding strategy and body size. [5]

  • Stoichiometric constraints have profound effects on organisms and population

    • Food quality and nutrient recycling feedbacks generated from that, explain population trait variation [2]

    • Stoichimetrically mediated interactions among herbivores can represent mechanism that affect community structure and material/nutrient flows [16]



  • Soil biota populations can entangle particles, which helps to form aggregates [15].

    • Aggregates are important in nutrient cycling

    • Decomposition in macro-aggregates

    • Stabilisation/sequestration of nutrients (e.g. N and C) in micro-aggregates


Excess fertilizer

  • Zooxanthellae (photosynthetic algae) number increases when adding ammonium or ammonium plus phosphate  in water [11]

    • That increase is proportional to increase in zooxanthellae proteins. The increased availability of ammonium leads to increased protein synthesis.

Anchor 7



  • Energy in organisms flows via: Ingestion-Egestion = Respiration+Production [4]

  • P limitation is the most severe limitation in ruminants.

    • Low P result in increased P metabolism efficiency in cervids. [5]

  • Bamboo clumps are highly efficient in extracting and allocating nutrients from the soil. Nutrients present in leaves are minimal, however, the rhizome system act as a very efficient sink of nutrients [18, 19].


Anchor 8


  • Kidney functioning could be used for

    • Keeping a constant water concentration, by adjusting water removal (drainage).

    • Removing unwanted compounds and reabsorbing necessary compounds [1,2]

    • pH homeostasis. Controlling pH by the excretion of excess acid or base [3].




  • pH homeostasis. Adjusting ventilation rate to shift the equilibrium [4,5,6].

Anchor 9



  • Glutamate is present in a high concentration in the brain cells. To prevent leakage by diffusion, a high-affinity uptake system compensates for this [1,2,3,4]

  • Photosynthesis and cellular respiration in a plant cell is a form of carbon cycle within one cell.

  • Nitrogen storage proteins are present in the bark of trees [5]. These fluctuate seasonally. The storage uncouples nitrogen availability and nitrogen need [6].

Anchor 10



  • Neurotransmitter storage capsules are fused with the plasma membrane when the neurotransmitters need to be used. After use active reuptake into cells stores the neurotransmitters back in the storage capsules for later use [1].

  • Circulation of coated pits with receptors. The amount of circulation depends on the availability of resources. The receptors on the membrane of the pits are recycled in the cell membrane [2].




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[6] van der Valk, A. 2006. The Biology of Freshwater Wetlands. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 173 p.

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[8] Attenborough, D. 1995. The Private Life of Plants: A Natural History of Plant Behavior. London: BBC Books. 320 p.

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